FAQ – Congregation of Sisters of Bon Secours

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Become a Sister of Bon Secours?

God calls all kinds of people to religious life! There are Women Religious of all ages, interests, and backgrounds. The Sisters of Bon Secours are specifically ministry-focused and so some shared characteristics include:

  • Love of God and others
  • Interest and ability to be of service to others
  • Concern for people who are poor, suffering, vulnerable, or dying
  • Desire for prayer and faith sharing
  • Generosity of heart and wholesome attitude
  • Openness to the Spirit and willingness to grow
  • Ability to relate well with others

What do sisters do all day?

In the area of work or ministry, sisters have one primary occupation. Many sisters work in hospitals, teach, or do social work, all of which have somewhat regular hours and particular demands. Contemplative Orders spend their day at prayer and performing labor that helps sustain the community.

Why do some sisters wear habits and some do not?

Those who continue to wear a habit or garb do so for various reasons. The original reason for religious garb was that it was the dress of the common people at the time of the founding. Street clothes are the common people’s dress nowadays, so this is what some of our sisters wear. Others may choose to wear a habit because it represents the people or has a spiritual significance in a particular culture.

What is a religious vow?

A vow is a solemn promise made freely as an individual gives her life to God. Many communities make vows of poverty, celibacy, and obedience.

Is prayer important?

Yes, it has a central role in our lives. Prayer is communication with God whom we love – and it is as necessary for us as communication is for any two people in a relationship. It means giving our attention to God in a two-way speaking and listening relationship. There are many ways to pray: privately, in community with others, and at Mass. Anyone can pray at any time and in any place.

What is your relationship with your family once you enter religious life?

Once a woman enters a religious community, her sisters become her family, and we love and care for one another accordingly. We also recognize the importance of our first family relationships and maintain regular contact with our family of origin through phone calls, email, letters, and visits.

How do congregations or orders differ?

Communities differ based on the specific spirit or charism that their founder wanted to develop (such as care of the sick, hospitality, simplicity, or unity). The charism, the community’s specific ministries, and varying emphases on prayer and community life are the basic differences among religious communities. All are alike in their primary concern: to spread the Gospel message of Jesus.

What should I do if I am interested in becoming a Sister of Bon Secours?

Contact us! We’re here to listen, to guide, and accompany you on the journey. We encourage you to spend some time in prayer, too. We invite you to contact one of our vocation directors who can help you to understand your call and learn more about us.

Sisters of Bon Secours International Vocations Coordinator
Sr. Pat Dowling
Sisters of Bon Secours France
Marie Madeleine Chopard
Sisters of Bon Secours Ireland
Anne-Marie Whelan
Sisters of Bon Secours Great Britain
Anne-Marie Whelan
Sisters of Bon Secours Peru
Sr. Joana Castillo Segura
Sisters of Bon Secours USA
Sr. Fran Gorsuch
Sisters of Bon Secours Democratic Republic of the Congo
Sr. Santos Nélida Romero Vásquez