Living Your Faith as a Sister of Bon Secours – Congregation of Sisters of Bon Secours


Living Your Faith as a Sister of Bon Secours

Open Hearts, Open Doors

God’s call knows no borders. Across the world, women have heeded God’s call to spread compassion, healing and liberation as a Sister of Bon Secours. If your relationship with God is steering you toward religious life, we welcome you with open arms and open hearts to explore our ministry.

Meet the Sisters

The Sisters of Bon Secours are a community of progressive Catholic women who believe deeply in God’s compassion, healing and liberation. Since 1824 the Sisters of Bon Secours have been unconventional and unafraid to take the bold and audacious step in pursuit of justice. We are proud to continue this tradition today as we follow God’s call to care for and defend those in need, especially the poor, sick or dying. Learn more about our history.

We have ministries in France, Ireland, Great Britain, the United States, Peru, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. While our cultures differ, we come together in joyful prayer and community as we work together to pursue our mission. Click the images to learn more about our locations.

The Journey to a Religious Life

Learn more about how God may guide you to a religious life with the Sisters of Bon Secours.

The Call

Whether soft or loud, the journey to life as a sister begins with a call from God. Everyone experiences their call differently. You may feel moved to strengthen your spiritual relationship. You may be curious about your religious path. You may wonder about your place in the world as a woman of deep faith. We welcome you to reach out to our Congregation for guidance.

The Discernment

The next step on the path to becoming a sister is discernment. Understanding God’s call takes time. We are here to support you in whatever way possible. A spiritual director can support you in prayer and reflection. Our vocation directors can help you identify your heart’s desire and share what life as a sister is like. At this stage you may want to join us for a Vocation weekend or a live-in visit to learn more.

The Decision

After a period of discernment, you may be clear that life as a sister is what you are seeking and where God is calling you. A Vocation Director will guide you in the next steps to make a formal request for entrance into our Congregation. From here, you will grow with our support as you deepen your relationship with God and serve the poor, the sick and the dying as a Sister of Bon Secours.

Are You Called?

If you resonate with our mission and feel called to learn more, we invite you to connect with us and explore further. Contact us here and a vocation director will reach out to you.

Prayer for Vocations

We offer you the following prayer as you begin your journey:

  • Our Good God, all is gift from you! May I trust you with all my heart.
  • You love and accept me unconditionally and desire only what is best for me. Guide me to know your desire and help me to fulfill my vocation in life.
  • Help me to know with conviction my heart’s desire and the path in life you call me to so that I may say YES freely and joyfully and follow you where you lead me. Amen.
  • Our Lady of Bon Secours pray for me!